And how to make yours always do

Whether we consider ourselves to be a religious person or not, nearly all human beings, at some point in their lives — pray.
Praying means different things for different people. For some, the act of praying is one of communion with the divine. For others, praying means giving orders to a god…
While prayers do find physical manifestation in some people’s lives, sometimes — most of the time, they don’t. And because of it, most souls on Earth have somehow become skeptical about the act of praying.
So, why do prayers “happen” for some people and not for others? Why do praying “work” when we never expect it to? And why don’t prayers never work when we could really use the extra help?
It’s true that we’re helped. Not exactly in the ways we conceive, or at least are conditioned to believe in. But we are helped. We do have support in higher realms. And more importantly, through our belief and faith — we do create a lot of things for ourselves, which we don’t realize most of the time.
The belief in separation
As a collective, especially on Earth right now, most of us believe to be separated from one another. This belief is given credit by our senses; we see other people, we see that our hands can’t go through a tree or a wall, so we assume that we’re physical objects separated from other physical objects.
This is Newtonian physics, the physics of the 3rd dimension.
While the 3rd dimension is indeed governed by such Newtonian laws, and while we do find ourselves in this dimension, we’re not limited by it. Our bodies are physical, and we are dealing with a physical world on a daily basis — but in our truest essence, we are consciousness.
We are the consciousness that realizes it exists in a body. We are the consciousness that possesses the ability to think about the world, to live in it, and to derive life lessons from it.
So yes, at one level, we’re here on Earth and it’s a fact that we’re dealing with a physical world. At another level however, we are consciousness, not just bodies — and unless we realize this to our core, we’ll keep believing in separation.
The belief in separation is what makes us divisive with one another. The belief in separation makes us attached to our race, to our country, to our religion, to our opinions, to our brands — versus everything else.
If everyone else believes in separation too, then obviously, everyone else is attached to other things — and that would mean conflict with one another.
As we give more and more credit to the belief in separation, we hurt each other to greater degrees. The extreme case is that we become so mistrustful of everyone that loneliness and misery are inevitable.
Working with universal laws
Now let me ask you this, if the lower realms are about separation and division, while the higher realms are about unity, love and inclusion — how is our prayer, which is an attempt at reaching out to higher realms for help to “work”?
As said many times throughout these writings, we are consciousness, and consciousness always creates. A thought is a command for energy to take form. But if this thought comes from a place of separation, from a place of pure selfishness — it goes against the collective’s wellbeing, so it can’t happen.
What if what we want may be favorable for us, while unfavorable for another? With most people barely looking any further away from their nose, how can they have the full picture before formulating a prayer that actually works?
It’s at such a point that people give up on prayers, calling them unpractical. But let’s be clear about it. Whether you call it prayer or casting a spell, using words to clothe thoughts is a very physical way of bringing energy into form. With repetition, and the more your consciousness is evolved, the less repetition you need — energy does take form.
Obviously, as we heal ourselves from the many limiting thoughts we entertain at an unconscious level, we raise our consciousness — and as we do, we understand the bigger universal principles that govern all of Life everywhere.
Of these principles, we have “acceptance” of events as they unfold.
As an example. We think we know what’s best for us, but most of the time we don’t. How many times did we get the object of our desire after countless desperate attempts at it (which were signs we ignored) only to feel disappointed by the end result?
How many times did we force other people’s hands for what we wanted, only for them to tell us later how unhappy they were about it?
While we may think we have escaped from such scenarios, we didn’t. No one escapes from nothing. We may be given some time to “run,” but everything we do comes with consequences we’ll have to deal with later.
How to have your prayers “answered”
1.) Whether you pray or cast a spell, your consciousness is always creating. Whether these creations happen or not depend on how aligned they are with the collective’s wellbeing.
2.) If creating requires too many attempts, it’s a sign it’s not beneficial for you. You may still force your way through, you have free will after all, but in doing so you’ll create consequences you’ll have to deal with later.
3.) Keep working on your healing, and with that healing you raise your consciousness, which gives you more power to manifest your dreams, but also a higher understanding of reality so that you know when to chase an object, and when to stop because you understand at a soul level that there’s no separation between you and others, and that whatever happens must benefit others as much as it benefits you.
As a final note.
If you’ve been praying, meditating and trying different spiritual practices to grow spiritually, without necessarily experiencing long-lasting results even though you understand everything intellectually — I’ve written a book called Spiritual Transition, which has for main purpose to help you overcome the main obstacles to spiritual growth while also providing you with tools and exercises to use on a daily basis for your own spiritual advancement. Check the book here.