Many souls are currently reviewing their year.
As a collective, we have gone through many life-altering experiences in the past few years, and while the changes haven’t always been obvious, we are slowly realizing that we’re not the same people we used to be.
At this time, most would usually map out their next year. Some would execute on their plans. For most, however, these plans remain plans, and while they may blame themselves for being procrastinators, or not having enough time, or simply being tired — truth is, the reason why most don’t act on their plan goes much deeper.
Right from childhood, we’re told what to believe in, what to do, who we should aspire to be, and what our role in the world is.
As we grow up, accumulating all these voices in our heads, which aren’t always aligned with the person we actually are underneath them — we battle our way through the world.
We want to be rich because we’re supposed to be rich. We want to work because we’re supposed to work. We want to be enlightened because we’re supposed to reach enlightenment.
One on top of the other, these thoughts in our heads turn into a burden we have to carry with ourselves. This burden makes us a bit too serious, stiff, rigid most of the time.
People tell us, “can’t you relax?” And while we give them a reason why we can’t, internally, we’re not sure of the answer ourselves. We can’t relax. We have so much in our hands. Perhaps… Not that much. Maybe we’re making it up. Ahhh. If we don’t focus, we’ll lose everything.
And the motivational quotes do their job.
Do we really need to be “motivated” to accomplish what we would like, or better said, love to accomplish? Is love supposed to be complicated? Or, do we make it complex?
We are not as rational as we would like to believe. Our own mind is creating our misery.
What would happen if we discarded all the “shoulds” that populate our minds? Did you ever think about it?
There is nothing I should do. Voila.
Feels lighter right? You are not supposed to do anything. Believing we should do something only makes us cocky. And arrogance is painful.
No one on Earth likes to be micromanaged. And no creative work is possible when we’re coming from an unhealthy, pressurized place.
The opposite is actually true. The lighter, happier, and peaceful we are — the more we can tune into the higher realms, and bring down beautiful works for our fellow human beings to enjoy.
If you have duties to attend to, then, just do it. If you are asked to serve, you can choose to do it or not. Each one of our choices has a consequence. If we choose to rest, we feel refreshed. If we feel rested enough and would love to serve, the universal laws reciprocate our service.
In case you’re feeling under pressure about the new year, about January or Monday. Relax. You’re not supposed to save the world.
In relinquishing all these made up responsibilities you carry around, you will feel lighter, and from such a place of freedom — you’ll have a better time at accomplishing your goals. You’re probably one of the best person to hang out with because you care so much about others. Care as much about yourself.
As a final note.
In case you’d like to know how to do that, starting today, not tomorrow because procrastination perpetuates “normalcy,” I’ve written a book called Spiritual Transition, in which we explore why meditations and affirmations only can’t help you heal at a deeper level — but also, what does work, and what exercises you can do on a daily basis to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you’re interested, you can get the book here.