One of the first challenges spirituals experience is knowing in a real sense where they stand on their spiritual journey.
When my journey began, I thought I had already reached enlightenment because according to everything I was reading, this was it.
My master thankfully saved me from my delusions by telling me what my soul vibration was at the time we met.
He uses the chakra scale to evaluate souls.
On Earth, the average soul vibration is 3.6D according to his estimates whereas an enlightened soul has reached 7D.
With the transformational energies of the last few years, and the ones to come, many souls are moving from 3D to 4D, and some beyond. Obviously, we all start somewhere, and as we keep working on ourselves – our soul vibration raises.
Should you want to know what your soul vibration is at this moment, here’s how:
Send me an email at [email protected], in which you attach the most recent picture you have of yourself, and preferably a full-body one
I will use the method my master taught me to let you know about your soul vibration as soon as I can.
Thank you!